Dr Bushera
This page highlights my journey and process with Dr Bushera, as you scroll down the page, you will find zoomed in images of my egg tempera painting, etching, drawing, our unedited informal interview and the interview transcript.

More women in the top positions -.Dr Bushera, Egg Tempera on board, 38x60cm, 2023
Details of: Dr Bushera, Egg Tempera on board, 38x60cm, 2023

Step by step process of Dr Bushera egg tempera

I haven't sanded this gesso ground, as much as I normally do. The intention is to create a textured effect on the surface. This can be seen in the indented pattern created within Dr Bushera's Hair and dress. I will layer more paint over her hair. However, I want the pattern created by the reduction in sanding to appear on her dress, so I won't add to many more layers to this so it remains.

I have also been experimenting with my application of paint. In previous paintings, I created the skin tones through layering and overlapping of gestural blobby marks. While with this painting I have been slowly layering the paint using cross-hatching and hatching.
I would normally start with the cross-hatching method on the first green layer with my Van Dyke Brown. However, once this layer of tone had been completed I would move to a painting style similar to watercolour painting, where I would layer my wet paint on dried areas. Make sure the paint dries completely before you apply the next layer. Similarly, I would glaze, layering transparent colours on top of each other to represent the skin.
However, after watching YouTube videos giving advice on Egg Tempera painting methods. I have been exploring this cross-hatching method throughout. This method is interesting as the colours layer and interlock. Like a puzzle.
Dr Bushera, Etching Experimenting Hard Press and Aquatint

Dr Bushera, etching, 2023
Dr Bushera, etching, 2023

Dr Bushera, Etching Aquatint, 2023
Dr Bushera, Etching Aquatint, process photos, step-by-step

Dr Bushera, coloured pencil on paper, 25x25cm
Step by Step drawings of Dr Bushera

Dr Bushera, Pencil on paper, 25x25cm
Photography of Dr Bushera