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'Self Portrait as Europa Waiting for the Bull' Egg Tempera, 7.5x10cm 2023

Process of miniature self-portrait

Self Portrait as Europa Waiting for the Bull

'Self Portrait as Europa Waiting for the Bull' Egg Tempera, 18x24cm 2023

Within this painting, I had been thinking about sexual assault. I was thinking about rewriting and re-enacting a story from history and combining personal records with feminist and mythical narratives, creating a blend of autofiction and sitting with the current climate of the met police and their rape and assault of women.

This painting is a reimagining of the story of Europa as she waits for Zeus, the bull. She remains ready, knowing what is coming,  with the knives behind her. She is covered in flowers, indicating her virginity, with her legs spread open and her shorts' folds reflective of a raw vulva, reminiscent of O'Keeffe's abstracted Flowers. 

Process of watercolour self-portrait painting

Process of egg tempera self-portrait painting

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