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Dessert, Drinks, Dinner in Soho? Beth, Egg Tempera on Board, 20x42cm

Scan QR code, or click on the link to listen to Dessert, Drinks, Dinner in Soho? Beth.  Sound piece. 


Step by Step process of line drawing, Beth.

Step by Step process of Egg Tempera Beth. 

Photography source material of Beth

Beth Dinner In Soho


Egg Tempera Painting: I wanted Beth to fill the frame. And be reminiscent of her energy and light.


To create Beth's sound pieces, I used voice notes we sent each other. We often communicate in this way. It started with my inability to text, with my rubbish spelling, often using straightforward language, and forgetting to put kisses or emojis within my texts, resulting in coming across as aggressive and direct. The voice note to me is so human, and I can feel the person's warmth, sorrow, joy or frustration within them. They give access to the real moments of the person. Therefore with Beth, I wanted to experiment with using the voice notes we sent to each other instead of the more formal interview as seen with the other women I've worked with.


Once I created the sound piece, I wanted to transcribe it as I heard it. As seen by the written creation below, like Alison Grimaldi Donahue's translation of Self-Portrait from Italian to English, 'Lonzi transcribed every utterance, every sigh, every 'ha'. This translation attempts to keep this spoken nature of the text' (p1 Self-Portrait, Carla Lonzi). I wanted to do the same, repeat the words and ummmm's used by the speaker to be as accurate to their natural rhythmic speak.


​Using the sound piece I created as a starting point, I transcribed the words I could hear from my creation of ‘Dinner In Soho? Overlapping her terms makes a visual representation of the sound work. Using different sizes of text to represent the volume of her words somewhat.

​Dessert, Drinks, Dinner in Soho? Beth Audio Piece Transcription, with this transcription, I wanted it to be visually refective of the sound piece, with the words overlapping, observing the text and preventing all the information from being read clearly.

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